Dark Elves vs. Dwarfs: A Bloody 1500 Point Battle Report

2023-04-22 06:22:47 By : admin
In this fierce battle between the Dark Elves and Dwarfs, the combat was heavy and bloody on both sides. With 1500 points on each side, the players had to strategize and choose their troops wisely.

The Dark Elves had 2 units of 5 Harpies, 2 units of 5 Shades, 2 Assassins, 20 Corsairs with Banner of Murder, and 12 Spearmen. On the other hand, the Dwarfs had a Lord with Dwarf Warriors, Ironbreakers with a champion, BSB and Runelord, and a Grudgethrower.
Druchii Battle Reports: Battle 1: Dark Elves vs. Dwarfs (1500 points)

The terrain was set up with three hills in the center of the battlefield and small forests on each side. The Dark Elves won the deployment, and the Shades with the scout ability deployed last, which gave them an advantage.

The battle lasted 5 turns, and without magic, it was a straight-up fight. The Dark Elves did a good job of wounding, especially with the Shades, Crossbowmen, and Reaper Bolt Throwers. One unit of Harpies was also able to deal some damage before being taken out by the Dwarfs. The Grudge Thrower lobbed a rock and killed some Corsairs, but misfired and blew up on turn two.

The Corsairs and Spearmen charged towards the Dwarfs, but Mike's army wasn't going to let them get away easily. They charged in, and combat was joined. The Dark Elves struck first but had a difficult time wounding the Dwarfs, who proved to be a tough nut to crack.

Mike's Lord was especially formidable, and he challenged the Dreadlord of the Dark Elves, ultimately killing him. However, the Dark Elves had the advantage in numbers and flanking, and this helped them win the day. By turn 5, the remaining Warriors and the Dwarf Lord were completely surrounded. They lost the final combat and failed their leadership test, which led to them being wiped out down to the last dwarf.

In conclusion, this battle was a great display of strategic gameplay and the effectiveness of various troops. The Dark Elves had to work hard to overcome the tough defenses of the Dwarfs, but ultimately, their tactics and numbers won the day. It was a difficult battle, but both sides played exceptionally well. If you are looking for an exciting war game, look no further than Elf Bar 1500 in Europe.